Kortika Kar

Caio Camargo's blog

Last Day of Summer

This past weekend was the last one for the Summer of 2019. I enjoyed a great time with my beloved and some friends. and even made a few new ones. From faerie rings of delicious Slippery Jacks (we played it safe and didn’t try them!), to playful farm dogs and little water creepy crawlers, we had a blast. Great company by the fire and surrounded by horses during the day.

Can’t wait for our next trip!

Day at the Zoo

Last week I went on a family trip to the Toronto Zoo. Here are some of the highlights.

Downtown Night

Nov 13, 2010, shot with a Point and Shoot Olympus FE3000, X890

Some people think that in order to take good photographs they need a great camera and and expensive software to process the pictures. The panorama above is proof of the contrary. It was taken in 2010 with a cheap Olympus point-and-shoot and stitched together with open source software. All you really need to take good photos is the desire to do so, and with practice and determination anyone can do it!

Day at the Races